What is a webinar?
A webinar is a video presentation, workshop or lecture hosted online that is either live or has been recorded so that people can watch it on demand. A webinar is normally no more than 40-60 minutes in length. If it is live, it may include some interaction with the audience, using various online tools, and normally concludes with a question and answer section.
Why should you engage a webinar presenter?
A good webinar presenter will work with their client on a topic of relevance to the intended audience. They will suggest ways in which they could make the materials they are presenting visually appealing and/or interactive, and discuss the best online tools to serve the purpose of the webinar. Webinars are usually less formal than keynote presentations and should allow the audience the opportunity to comment and discuss ideas with the webinar presenter the ideas they have talked about.
How can I help you?
I have presented a large number of webinars on a variety of educational topics to schools worldwide. I have also co-facilitated with other presenters or hosted them, and so am aware of the importance of collaboration, organisation and of understanding the audience’s needs. As a regular conference director, workshop leader and writer, I know how to communicate with an audience through a variety of means, including engaging with them through activities and responding live to their questions.
Webinars recently presented
- Hughes, S., Ellis, P. & Weathers, M. (2025). Equity in education: Bridging global perspectives for inclusive leadership. International Confederation of Principals.
- Ellis, P. (2022). Focus on exams: learner wellbeing and positive outcomes for all. Education & Training Foundation.
- Ellis, P. & various. (2021). Subjects through the lens of Covid-19 (6-webinar series). Prince’s Teaching Institute (PTI Education). Available at: www.ptieducation.org/webinars/.
- Ellis, P. & Coe, R. (2020). The Great Teaching Toolkit: Evidence Review – presentation and Q&A. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYQOrj0R74s&feature=youtu.be.
- Producer, editor & host for webinar series produced during the Covid-19 pandemic for Cambridge Assessment International Education (available at: https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/support-and-training-for-schools/teaching-and-learning-when-school-returns/adapting-your-teaching/webinars/):
- Putwain, D. (2021). Testing times: When taking (and not taking) tests becomes a source of anxiety.
- Borthwick, A. (2020). How to encourage independent learning skills in primary age children.
- Burke, A. & Hawkins, K. (2020). Prioritising wellbeing in a time of disruption and transition.
- Kirby, A. (2020). Transitioning back to school: a social-emotional perspective.
- Morton-Brown, J. (2020). Supporting students with their mental health and wellbeing during a period of uncertainty.
- Rigg, K. (2020). Protecting our children online.
- Various, with Duke of Edinburgh International Award. (2020). Combining formal and non-formal education to support young people in a time of uncertainty.
If you would like to learn more about webinar presenting and how I could help you, please contact me.